JetRails Webcam Privacy Cover

JetRails Webcam Privacy Cover

We value your privacy. That's why we want to help you keep your home and office private as well. You know that onboard camera on your laptop? And the one on your tablet? While we're proud of the person you are and know that you have nothing to hide, we want to help you maintain your privacy just the same. We know that you're running security software on your devices and that you're keeping them up-to-date, and not installing any questionable apps or software programs, but we want to help you take this one extra step just the same. It's similar to how we help you adhere to payment and data privacy regulations - we help you deploy and maintain redundant security measures to stay secure. Best of all, this webcam cover only takes seconds to adhere to your device, and easily slides open and closed so that you can keep your privacy without jumping through a lot of hoops.

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SKU webcam-privacy-cover